Class Summary | |
Append | Algorithms that iterate over variable-length sets of inputs, ie, arrays, collections, or iterations, returning the combined contents of all inputs. |
Append.AppendIterable<T> | Produces iterators that return the contents of a two-dimensional data structure |
Append.AppendIterator<T> | Iterator that returns the contents of a two-dimensional datastructure. |
Compare | Algorithms and utilities that compare two sets of input. |
Compare.IteratorComparator<T> | |
Filter | Algorithms that return a subset of its input. |
Filter.FilterIterable<T> | Produces Iterators that only return elements that meet a given condition. |
Filter.FilterIterator<T> | Iterator that only returns elements that meet the given selection criteria. |
Find | Algorithms that return an iterator pointing at the first/next element of the input that meets some condition. |
Flatten | Algorithms that two-dimensional input, ie, arrays of arrays, collections of collections, etc. |
ListAlgorithms | Algorithms that modify a given list. |
Merge | Algorithms that combine the contents of two inputs. |
Merge.MergeIterable<T> | Produces iterators that return all of the merged contents of two inputs |
Merge.MergeIterator<T> | Iterator that merges the contents of two input iterators. |
Reverse | Reverses the order of the input |
Reverse.ReverseArrayIterable<T> | |
Reverse.ReverseIterable<T> | |
Reverse.ReverseIterator<T> | |
Sort | Adapts standard java Sort capabilities to the interfaces common to jga. |
Summarize | Algorithms that consume input and produce a single value. |
Transform | Algorithms that process the elements of a collection, iteration, or iterable resource, and present the results. |
Transform.AdjacentIterable<T,R> | Produces iterators that will process successive pairs of elements of an iterable resource and present the results. |
Transform.AdjacentIterator<T,R> | Iterator that applies a given BinaryFunctor to successive pairs of elements from a given iterator, returning the results as elements. |
Transform.BinaryIterable<T1,T2,R> | Produces iterators that applies a given BinaryFunctor to corresponding pairs of elements from a pair of iterators, returning the results. |
Transform.BinaryIterator<T1,T2,R> | Iterator that applies a given BinaryFunctor to corresponding pairs of elements from a pair of iterators, returning the results. |
Transform.TransformIterable<T,R> | Produces iterators that will process elements of an iterable resource and present the results. |
Transform.TransformIterator<T,R> | |
Unique | Algorithms that eliminate successive duplicate entries from a collection, iteration, or iterable resource. |
Unique.UniqueIterable<T> | Produces iterators that will not return the same element twice in succession. |
Unique.UniqueIterator<T> | Iterator that will not return the same element twice in succession. |
Provides common algorithm implementations over arrays, collections and other iterable resources, and iterators.