Package net.sf.jga.fn.adaptor

Provides Functors that allow assembly of primitive functors into compound structures.


Interface Summary
AndBinary.Visitor Interface for classes that may interpret an AndBinaryFunctor predicate.
AndGenerator.Visitor Interface for classes that may interpret an AndGenerator predicate.
AndUnary.Visitor Interface for classes that may interpret an AndUnaryFunctor predicate.
ApplyBinary.Visitor Interface for classes that may interpret an ApplyBinary predicate.
ApplyGenerator.Visitor Interface for classes that may interpret an ApplyGenerator predicate.
ApplyUnary.Visitor Interface for classes that may interpret an ApplyUnary predicate.
Bind.Visitor Interface for classes that may interpret an Bind functor.
Bind1st.Visitor Interface for classes that may interpret an Bind1st functor.
Bind2nd.Visitor Interface for classes that may interpret an Bind2nd functor.
BindNth.Visitor x Interface for classes that may interpret an BindNth functor.
ChainBinary.Visitor Interface for classes that may interpret a ChainBinary functor.
ChainFunctor.Visitor Interface for classes that may interpret a ChainBinary functor.
ChainUnary.Visitor Interface for classes that may interpret a ChainUnary functor.
ComposeBinary.Visitor Interface for classes that may interpret a ComposeBinary functor.
ComposeBinaryNth.Visitor Interface for classes that may interpret a Generate2nd functor.
ComposeUnary.Visitor Interface for classes that may interpret a ComposeUnary functor.
ComposeUnaryNth.Visitor Interface for classes that may interpret a Generate2nd functor.
Compound.Visitor Interface for classes that may interpret a Constant binaryFunctor.
CompoundBinary.Visitor Interface for classes that may interpret a Constant binaryFunctor.
CompoundGenerator.Visitor Interface for classes that may interpret a Constant generator.
CompoundUnary.Visitor Interface for classes that may interpret a Constant unaryFunctor.
ConditionalBinary.Visitor Interface for classes that may interpret a ConditionalBinary functor.
ConditionalGenerator.Visitor Interface for classes that may interpret a ConditionalGenerator functor.
ConditionalUnary.Visitor Interface for classes that may interpret a ConditionalUnary functor.
Constant.Visitor Interface for classes that may interpret a Constant generator.
ConstantBinary.Visitor Interface for classes that may interpret a ConstantBinary functor.
ConstantUnary.Visitor Interface for classes that may interpret a ConstantUnary functor.
Distribute.Visitor Interface for classes that may interpret a Distribute functor.
Generate.Visitor Interface for classes that may interpret a Generate functor.
Generate1st.Visitor Interface for classes that may interpret a Generate1st functor.
Generate2nd.Visitor Interface for classes that may interpret a Generate2nd functor.
GenerateBinary.Visitor Interface for classes that may interpret a GenerateBinary functor.
GenerateNth.Visitor Interface for classes that may interpret a Generate2nd functor.
GenerateUnary.Visitor Interface for classes that may interpret a GenerateUnary functor.
Identity.AccessorVisitor Interface for classes that may interpret an Identity.Accessor.
Identity.Visitor Interface for classes that may interpret an Identity functor.
OrBinary.Visitor Interface for classes that may interpret an OrBinaryFunctor predicate.
OrGenerator.Visitor Interface for classes that may interpret an OrGenerator predicate.
OrUnary.Visitor Interface for classes that may interpret an OrUnaryFunctor predicate.
Project1st.Visitor Interface for classes that may interpret an Project1st functor.
Project2nd.Visitor Interface for classes that may interpret an Project2nd functor.
Random.Visitor Interface for classes that may interpret a Random generator.

Class Summary
AdaptorFunctors Static factory methods for selected functors in the Adaptor package.
AndBinary<T1,T2> Binary that performs a shortcircuit and operation using a given pair of Boolean BinaryFunctors.
AndGenerator Generator that performs a shortcircuit and operation using a given pair of Boolean Generators.
AndUnary<T> Unary that performs a shortcircuit and operation using a given pair of Boolean UnaryFunctors.
ApplyBinary<T1,T2> Produces an array containing the results of passing a pair of input arguments to a given set of binary functors.
ApplyGenerator Generates an array containing the results produced by zero or more given generators.
ApplyUnary<T> Produces an array containing the results of passing an input argument to a given set of unary functors.
Bind<T,R> Generator that wraps a given UnaryFunctor, passing a constant value as the argument of the child functor.
Bind1st<T1,T2,R> UnaryFunctor that wraps a given BinaryFunctor, passing a constant value as the first argument of the child functor.
Bind2nd<T1,T2,R> UnaryFunctor that wraps a given BinaryFunctor, passing a constant value as the second argument of the child functor.
BindNth<R> Functor that binds values into the argument list of a nested functor at an arbtirary location.
ChainBinary<T1,T2,F,R> Binary Functor that passes the results of a Binary Functor as the argument to a Unary Functor.
ChainFunctor<F,R> Functor that passes the results of a nested Functor as the argument to a UnaryFunctor.
ChainUnary<T,F,R> Unary Functor that passes the results of one Unary Functor as the argument to another Unary Functor.
ComposeBinary<T1,T2,F1,F2,R> Binary Functor that passes the results of two inner Binary Functors as the arguments to an outer Binary Functor.
ComposeBinaryNth<R> Functor that uses a Generator to produce the Nth argument to a given Functor.
ComposeUnary<T,F1,F2,R> Unary Functor that passes the results of two Unary Functors as the arguments to a Binary Functor.
ComposeUnaryNth<R> Functor that uses a Generator to produce the Nth argument to a given Functor.
Compound<R> Executes two Functors, returning the results of the second.
CompoundBinary<T1,T2,R> Executes two BinaryFunctors, returning the results of the second.
CompoundGenerator<R> Executes two generators, returning the results of the second.
CompoundUnary<T,R> Executes two UnaryFunctors, returning the results of the second.
ConditionalBinary<T1,T2,R> BinaryFunctor that tests a condition, executes one of two given functors, and returns the result.
ConditionalGenerator<R> Generator that tests a condition, executes one of two given functors, and returns the result.
ConditionalUnary<T,R> UnaryFunctor that tests a condition, executes one of two given functors, and returns the result.
Constant<V> Functor that returns the constant value given at construction.
ConstantBinary<T1,T2,V> Functor that returns the constant value given at construction.
ConstantUnary<T,V> Functor that returns the constant value given at construction.
Distribute<T1,T2,F1,F2,R> Binary Functor that passes its two arguments to two inner Unary Functors, and uses the results as arguments to an outer Binary Functor.
Generate<T,R> Generator that wraps a UnaryFunctor around a nested Generator.
Generate1st<T1,T2,R> UnaryFunctor that uses a Generator to produce the 1st argument to a given BinaryFunctor.
Generate2nd<T1,T2,R> UnaryFunctor that uses a Generator to produce the 2nd argument to a given BinaryFunctor.
GenerateBinary<T1,T2,R> BinaryFunctor that returns the result of a nested Generator.
GenerateNth<R> Functor that uses a Generator to produce the Nth argument to a given Functor.
GenerateUnary<T,R> UnaryFunctor that returns the result of a nested Generator.
Identity<T> Unary Functor that returns the runtime argument.
Identity.Accessor<T> A Generator that returns the last value passed to an associated Identity.
OrBinary<T1,T2> Binary that performs a shortcircuit or operation using a given pair of Boolean BinaryFunctors.
OrGenerator Generator that performs a shortcircuit or operation using a given pair of Boolean Generators.
OrUnary<T> Unary that performs a shortcircuit or operation using a given pair of Boolean UnaryFunctors.
Project1st<T1,T2> Binary Functor that returns the first of two runtime arguments.
Project2nd<T1,T2> Binary Functor that returns the second of two runtime arguments.
Random Functor that returns a pseudorandom value using Math.random().

Package net.sf.jga.fn.adaptor Description

Provides Functors that allow assembly of primitive functors into compound structures.

Copyright © 2002-2006 David A. Hall. All Rights Reserved.