Interface Summary | |
AndBinary.Visitor | Interface for classes that may interpret an AndBinaryFunctor predicate. |
AndGenerator.Visitor | Interface for classes that may interpret an AndGenerator predicate. |
AndUnary.Visitor | Interface for classes that may interpret an AndUnaryFunctor predicate. |
ApplyBinary.Visitor | Interface for classes that may interpret an ApplyBinary predicate. |
ApplyGenerator.Visitor | Interface for classes that may interpret an ApplyGenerator predicate. |
ApplyUnary.Visitor | Interface for classes that may interpret an ApplyUnary predicate. |
Bind.Visitor | Interface for classes that may interpret an Bind functor. |
Bind1st.Visitor | Interface for classes that may interpret an Bind1st functor. |
Bind2nd.Visitor | Interface for classes that may interpret an Bind2nd functor. |
BindNth.Visitor | x Interface for classes that may interpret an BindNth functor. |
ChainBinary.Visitor | Interface for classes that may interpret a ChainBinary functor. |
ChainFunctor.Visitor | Interface for classes that may interpret a ChainBinary functor. |
ChainUnary.Visitor | Interface for classes that may interpret a ChainUnary functor. |
ComposeBinary.Visitor | Interface for classes that may interpret a ComposeBinary functor. |
ComposeBinaryNth.Visitor | Interface for classes that may interpret a Generate2nd functor. |
ComposeUnary.Visitor | Interface for classes that may interpret a ComposeUnary functor. |
ComposeUnaryNth.Visitor | Interface for classes that may interpret a Generate2nd functor. |
Compound.Visitor | Interface for classes that may interpret a Constant binaryFunctor. |
CompoundBinary.Visitor | Interface for classes that may interpret a Constant binaryFunctor. |
CompoundGenerator.Visitor | Interface for classes that may interpret a Constant generator. |
CompoundUnary.Visitor | Interface for classes that may interpret a Constant unaryFunctor. |
ConditionalBinary.Visitor | Interface for classes that may interpret a ConditionalBinary functor. |
ConditionalGenerator.Visitor | Interface for classes that may interpret a ConditionalGenerator functor. |
ConditionalUnary.Visitor | Interface for classes that may interpret a ConditionalUnary functor. |
Constant.Visitor | Interface for classes that may interpret a Constant generator. |
ConstantBinary.Visitor | Interface for classes that may interpret a ConstantBinary functor. |
ConstantUnary.Visitor | Interface for classes that may interpret a ConstantUnary functor. |
Distribute.Visitor | Interface for classes that may interpret a Distribute functor. |
Generate.Visitor | Interface for classes that may interpret a Generate functor. |
Generate1st.Visitor | Interface for classes that may interpret a Generate1st functor. |
Generate2nd.Visitor | Interface for classes that may interpret a Generate2nd functor. |
GenerateBinary.Visitor | Interface for classes that may interpret a GenerateBinary functor. |
GenerateNth.Visitor | Interface for classes that may interpret a Generate2nd functor. |
GenerateUnary.Visitor | Interface for classes that may interpret a GenerateUnary functor. |
Identity.AccessorVisitor | Interface for classes that may interpret an Identity.Accessor. |
Identity.Visitor | Interface for classes that may interpret an Identity functor. |
OrBinary.Visitor | Interface for classes that may interpret an OrBinaryFunctor predicate. |
OrGenerator.Visitor | Interface for classes that may interpret an OrGenerator predicate. |
OrUnary.Visitor | Interface for classes that may interpret an OrUnaryFunctor predicate. |
Project1st.Visitor | Interface for classes that may interpret an Project1st functor. |
Project2nd.Visitor | Interface for classes that may interpret an Project2nd functor. |
Random.Visitor | Interface for classes that may interpret a Random generator. |
Class Summary | |
AdaptorFunctors | Static factory methods for selected functors in the Adaptor package. |
AndBinary<T1,T2> | Binary that performs a shortcircuit and operation using a given pair of Boolean BinaryFunctors. |
AndGenerator | Generator that performs a shortcircuit and operation using a given pair of Boolean Generators. |
AndUnary<T> | Unary that performs a shortcircuit and operation using a given pair of Boolean UnaryFunctors. |
ApplyBinary<T1,T2> | Produces an array containing the results of passing a pair of input arguments to a given set of binary functors. |
ApplyGenerator | Generates an array containing the results produced by zero or more given generators. |
ApplyUnary<T> | Produces an array containing the results of passing an input argument to a given set of unary functors. |
Bind<T,R> | Generator that wraps a given UnaryFunctor, passing a constant value as the argument of the child functor. |
Bind1st<T1,T2,R> | UnaryFunctor that wraps a given BinaryFunctor, passing a constant value as the first argument of the child functor. |
Bind2nd<T1,T2,R> | UnaryFunctor that wraps a given BinaryFunctor, passing a constant value as the second argument of the child functor. |
BindNth<R> | Functor that binds values into the argument list of a nested functor at an arbtirary location. |
ChainBinary<T1,T2,F,R> | Binary Functor that passes the results of a Binary Functor as the argument to a Unary Functor. |
ChainFunctor<F,R> | Functor that passes the results of a nested Functor as the argument to a UnaryFunctor. |
ChainUnary<T,F,R> | Unary Functor that passes the results of one Unary Functor as the argument to another Unary Functor. |
ComposeBinary<T1,T2,F1,F2,R> | Binary Functor that passes the results of two inner Binary Functors as the arguments to an outer Binary Functor. |
ComposeBinaryNth<R> | Functor that uses a Generator to produce the Nth argument to a given Functor. |
ComposeUnary<T,F1,F2,R> | Unary Functor that passes the results of two Unary Functors as the arguments to a Binary Functor. |
ComposeUnaryNth<R> | Functor that uses a Generator to produce the Nth argument to a given Functor. |
Compound<R> | Executes two Functors, returning the results of the second. |
CompoundBinary<T1,T2,R> | Executes two BinaryFunctors, returning the results of the second. |
CompoundGenerator<R> | Executes two generators, returning the results of the second. |
CompoundUnary<T,R> | Executes two UnaryFunctors, returning the results of the second. |
ConditionalBinary<T1,T2,R> | BinaryFunctor that tests a condition, executes one of two given functors, and returns the result. |
ConditionalGenerator<R> | Generator that tests a condition, executes one of two given functors, and returns the result. |
ConditionalUnary<T,R> | UnaryFunctor that tests a condition, executes one of two given functors, and returns the result. |
Constant<V> | Functor that returns the constant value given at construction. |
ConstantBinary<T1,T2,V> | Functor that returns the constant value given at construction. |
ConstantUnary<T,V> | Functor that returns the constant value given at construction. |
Distribute<T1,T2,F1,F2,R> | Binary Functor that passes its two arguments to two inner Unary Functors, and uses the results as arguments to an outer Binary Functor. |
Generate<T,R> | Generator that wraps a UnaryFunctor around a nested Generator. |
Generate1st<T1,T2,R> | UnaryFunctor that uses a Generator to produce the 1st argument to a given BinaryFunctor. |
Generate2nd<T1,T2,R> | UnaryFunctor that uses a Generator to produce the 2nd argument to a given BinaryFunctor. |
GenerateBinary<T1,T2,R> | BinaryFunctor that returns the result of a nested Generator. |
GenerateNth<R> | Functor that uses a Generator to produce the Nth argument to a given Functor. |
GenerateUnary<T,R> | UnaryFunctor that returns the result of a nested Generator. |
Identity<T> | Unary Functor that returns the runtime argument. |
Identity.Accessor<T> | A Generator that returns the last value passed to an associated Identity. |
OrBinary<T1,T2> | Binary that performs a shortcircuit or operation using a given pair of Boolean BinaryFunctors. |
OrGenerator | Generator that performs a shortcircuit or operation using a given pair of Boolean Generators. |
OrUnary<T> | Unary that performs a shortcircuit or operation using a given pair of Boolean UnaryFunctors. |
Project1st<T1,T2> | Binary Functor that returns the first of two runtime arguments. |
Project2nd<T1,T2> | Binary Functor that returns the second of two runtime arguments. |
Random | Functor that returns a pseudorandom value using Math.random(). |
Provides Functors that allow assembly of primitive functors into compound structures.