Interface Summary | |
Formattable<T> | Interface for classes that can support the formatting of values via a UnaryFunctor,String>. |
Class Summary | |
Algorithms | Deprecated. everything likely to be of value has been moved to static classes in the net.sf.jga.algorithms package |
ArrayUtils | Miscellaneous utilities for working with arrays. |
ArrayUtils.ArrayIterable<T> | Iterable wrapper around a given array. |
ArrayUtils.ArrayIterator<T> | Iterates over an array of objects. |
CachingIterator<T> | Iterator that allows the program to retain the last few elements returned. |
ChainedComparator<T> | Comparator wrapper that uses a pair of comparators internally. |
CollectionUtils | General utilites for working with collections. |
ComparableComparator<T extends Comparable<? super T>> | Comparator used for objects that extend Comparable. |
EmptyIterator<T> | Iterator over an empty set of elements. |
EnumerationIterator<T> | Adapts an Enumeration to the Iterator and Iterable interfaces. |
FindIterator<T> | Iterator that provides the ability to skip to the first/next element that meets a particular criteria. |
GenericComparator<T,R extends Comparable<? super R>> | Comparator that applies a functor to each argument, then compares the results. |
IteratorComparator<T> | Deprecated. Moved to a nested class of net.sf.jga.algorithms.Compare |
Iterators | Deprecated. all of the remaining functionality has been moved into |
LookAheadIterator<T> | Iterator that allows the program to look at and operate on the next few elements without consuming them. |
NullComparator<T> | Comparator Decorator used to gracefully compare null and non-null values. |
SingletonIterator<T> | Iterates over a single item. |
StringTokenizerIterator | Adapts a StringTokenizer to the Iterator interface. |
Provides Facade objects for working with the algorithm functors, and a variety of utility iterators for various purposes.
The functionality that is adapted from STL is provided by a set of functors in the net.sf.jga.fn.algorithm package operate on iterators. To ease the transition to this approach, there are two facade objects whose methods correspond to the algorithms provided by STL.
The first, Algorithms, operates on collections, and is appropriate for getting easy answers to common questions over collections. The second, Iterators, is closer conceptually to the implementation, and is more appropriate if the same function is to be called several times for a given collection. Most of the methods in these two facades are a single logical statement (although sometimes the singe statement is broken up for formatting reasons) that constructs and invokes the appropriate algorithm functor.
The summary of the functions adapted from STL is as follows:
STL Function name | Facade method name | functor |
accumulate() | accumulate() | Accumulate |
adjacentDiff() | adjacentDiff() | TransformAdjacent(Minus) |
adjacent_find() | findAdjacent() | FindAdjacent |
count() | count() | Count |
count_if() | count() | Count |
equal() | equal() | varies based on form (3) |
find() | find() | Find |
find_first_of() | findElement() | FindElement |
find_if() | find() | Find |
for_each() | forEach() | ForEach (2) |
lexicographical_compare() | lessThan() | varies based on form (3) |
max() | maximum() | Find,MaxValue (4) |
max_element() | maximumValue() | MaxValue [collection] Accumulate [iteration] |
merge() | merge() | Merge |
min() | minimum() | Find,MinValue (4) |
min_element() | minimumValue() | MaxValue [collection] Accumulate [iteration] |
mismatch() | mismatch() | FindMismatch |
remove() | removeAll | n/a(5) |
remove_if() | removeAll | RemoveAll |
remove_copy() | removeAllCopy | RemoveAll(6) |
remove_copy_if() | removeAllCopy | RemoveAll(6) |
replace() | replaceAll | n/a(5) |
replace_if() | replaceAll | ReplaceAll |
replace_copy() | replaceAllCopy | ReplaceAll(6) |
replace_copy_if() | replaceAllCopy | ReplaceAll(6) |
search() | match() | FindSequence |
search_n() | findRepeated() | FindRepeated |
transform (unary form) | transformCopy | TransformUnary |
transform (binary form) | transformCopy | TransformUnary |
unique() | unique | n/a(5) |
unique_copy() | uniqueCopy | Unique(6) |